At the core of the Palestinian struggle is the struggle of the Palestinian refugees to return to their original homes and lands inside Palestine. Numbering over five million, Palestinian refugees are the world's largest refugee population, forming a Palestinian diaspora that stretches from the Arab homeland to every continent. Forcibly expelled from their homes in the Zionist effort to create a "pure" Jewish state based on the dispossession of the Palestinian Arab people, Palestinian refugees have steadfastly held to their fundamental right to return to their homes. Palestinian refugees have been the core of the Palestinian national movement; the camps of the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria have always been the central organizing grounds of the Palestinian struggle. This is not coincidental, for the return of the refugees is nearly synonymous with the liberation of the land of Palestine. There can be no freedom in Palestine without the right of return. It is the right of return that the Zionists will do anything to prevent - and it is the right of return that will ensure, in the end, a free, Palestinian land of Palestine, liberated and whole. Below are articles, resources and organizations dedicated to the movement for the Palestinian right to return.