Baladna Association for Arab Youth Holds Lecture
Aramica newspaper - November 10 to 25 2002 issue

Reprinted by permission.

Four young Palestinians set out on a mission across the world to dispel myths and expose the truth about living in Israel.

The Baladna Tour, sponsored by Baladna Association for Arab Youth, toured America speaking about the reality of living under Israeli occupation and sharing firsthand experiences to attentive audiences across the country.

"We are here in the United States to send a message to the American people and to inform them of the discrimination that Palestinians suffer," said Ghadir, one of the speakers of Baladna.

Ghadir Shafie and Bilal Dirbas, two of the Baladna Tour representatives, spoke at Rutgers University on October 22, 2002 at an event called "Exposing Israel's Apartheid State," sponsored by New Jersey Solidarity, a pro-Palestinian organization.

"The aim of the tour is to break the myth that Israel is a democracy. We are here to tell you that Israel is NOT a democracy," continued Ghadir.

The Baladna representatives discussed the discrimination they encounter as Palestinians living under occupation. In Israel, everything is based on religion, they noted. Non-Jews do not have the same civil rights as Israeli Jews and are subjected to different legal procedures. Palestinians are denied basic needs and privileges extended to Jews. Ghadir pointed out the similarities between Israel and apartheid South Africa.

"They treat us as enemies - even if we are citizens, and this is democracy?" said Bilal.

Baladna goes beyond combating political injustices. The association is also dedicated to fostering Palestinian identity and providing a platform for Palestinian youth to experience their culture.

"What the Jews are trying to do, whether by curriculum or by laws, is to eliminate the entire Palestinian history," said Bilal.

The curriculum in Israeli schools disregards Palestinian history, teaching only that of Israel, according to Ghadir. Further, the destruction of villages and historical sites is yet another attempt at erasing the Palestinian culture. The new generations is therefore raised unfamiliar with their identity and untied to their past. The group works to strengthen Palestinian youth, foster leadership qualities and to create an internal structure for youth to interact among themselves and with the community.